Monday, September 29, 2014

I really can't stand the sight of the PIs who are sent to check on me in the middle of the night!!! Can you imagine having one man or two men looking up at you through a window in the middle of the night???!!! It can be very eerie, you know?! This is especially so during the Hungry Ghost month! During the recent Hungry Ghost month, the PIs were also sent to check on me in the middle of the night!!! Can you imagine the eerie feeling?! Aiyo!!!! I know I can avoid seeing them by having the window closed, but my brother has the habit of opening it (wide at times!). And since some months ago, I started having the tendency to sleep at about 10 plus at night and waking up in the middle of the night (是自然醒的。。。因为我只需要大约4个小时的睡眠时间。。。) to do my 'business'.  可怜的我!!! I live on the 2nd floor!!! Whoever that has sent the PIs to check on me in the middle of the night must be really sick!!! (But thankfully, I don't have to face the 'torture' every night.)

Dare to Dream

Sunday, September 28, 2014


敢于梦想Dare to Dream

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


一个不敢面对问题, 反而选择逃避的男人不适合做终生伴侣。

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Sunday, September 21, 2014

不知道从几时开始,发现自己已经喜欢上你了。。。不知道你是否感应得到? 最近每当心情不好的时候、觉得很受委屈的时候,都会想到你。。。想紧紧的抱住你。。。觉得这样能够平复自己的情绪。。。不需要你听我诉苦,只需要你在我身边。。。知道你曾经喜欢我。。。不知道现在的你心里可有我?若有机会再遇到你,希望我有勇气跟你告白。。。

敢于梦想Dare to Dream

Sunday, September 14, 2014

My Thoughts

In order for a person to work in a charity (regardless of the position), I believe that the top prerequisite is to have a good heart. Sadly and ironically, a lot of people at my workplace have hearts that are inclined towards evil (or are full of evil).
Dare to Dream

Sunday, September 7, 2014

I can't stand people who are deceptive and who, at the same time, think that I lack the intelligence to recognise their deception!
Dare to Dream