Sunday, July 31, 2011

Local Music Scene

Inch Chua, a local singer-songwriter, said something that struck a chord with me. Reflecting on what she said, I think the government could help local singers by creating a platform for them to pursue their music careers locally. I wonder if the government is aware of the fact that all the local Chinese pop singers are now based overseas? Incidentally, Inch is not a Chinese pop singer.

Dare to Dream

Friday, July 29, 2011


Overcrowding seems to be getting worse over the years. If the Singapore Government is going to allow a steady influx of foreigners (FTs, foreign workers & permanent residents), I really can't imagine what will happen in the near future. Overcrowding is bad for one's health in the long-term. But what really irks me about overcrowding is that it actually slows me down. (I walk pretty fast and I can't stand having to slow down because of overcrowding.) I have nothing against foreigners at all. It's just that I really 'tak boleh tahan' overcrowding. Sigh...

Dare to Dream

Thursday, July 28, 2011



Dare to Dream

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


French is an interesting language. It is the first language that I know whereby words can be in the masculine or the feminine form. For example, interrogative pronouns (what & which), articles (a & the) as well as nouns have masculine and feminine forms.

Dare to Dream

Friday, July 22, 2011

Mental Illness

I have always thought that women are generally more prone to mental illness because they are emotionally more vulnerable. Just now I saw a mentally ill young man (who appeared to be in his mid thirties), which brought to mind the number of mentally ill men whom I came across in the past one year. What could cause these people (and many others) to go bonkers? Is it extreme suffering or pain? Is it mental or emotional anguish that could find no outlet? On reflection, I am thankful that I have the mental & emotional fortitude to withstand the many trials that have come my way thus far.


Dare to Dream 敢于梦想



Dare to Dream 敢于梦想

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Osteoporosis 骨质疏松症

Women are generally more prone to osteoporosis and hence it's important to consume foods that are rich in calcium or take calcium supplements. Yesterday evening, I was having my massage and the masseur who attended to me said that osteoporosis could cause one's calf to twist outward. That got me worried as I am a coffee lover and I must have coffee to perk me up throughout the day. (Consumption of coffee can cause the depletion of calcium.) Sigh...


Dare to Dream 敢于梦想

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Geylang Checker

I just read the news on the abovementioned at It is basically a website that is dedicated to exposing men who cheat on their wives or girlfriends. As the name implies, checks are only carried out in Geylang. But there are so many ways men can cheat and there are so many places where men who cheat go to, and thus the effectiveness of Geylang Checker in exposing men who cheat is limited. (Nonetheless, I appreciate the founder's efforts and admire her courage.) Years ago, my friend and I visited Malaysia on a coach and there was this tour guide who told us that there were many Singaporean men who kept mistresses in Johor, Malaysia. Surprising?! No, I don't think so.

Dare to Dream

Friday, July 15, 2011


Motivation from within is more powerful than motivation from without.

Dare to Dream

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Thoughts on Relationship & Marriage

My sister is getting married again...after a failed marriage...I am not in favour of her rushing into marriage but what can I say? I suppose love is really blind or maybe I am too rational...难道一个人一定要有一段恋情或者一段婚姻才会觉得完整吗?难道没有感情的寄托就不会幸福吗?能遇到一个可以交心的对象当然好,但是这世上有多少男生/男人真的值得让女生/女人托付终身呢?我认为很少。。。所以我宁愿单身。

Dare to Dream

Monday, July 11, 2011

First World Hotel
Sheltered Bridge Linking First World Hotel & Bus Terminal
在享受自拍 :)
Spacious Hotel Room

Twin-Sharing Room

View from Hotel Room

View from Hotel Room

View from Sheltered Bridge

Outside First World Plaza


Dare to Dream

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Presidential Election 2011

I remember during my university days, I visited a church that was near my hostel. It happened to be on a Sunday when the holy communion was served. I saw Dr Tony Tan & his wife, who were seated just a few rows from the back. When it was time for holy communion to be served, he and his wife joined the queue. This left a deep impression on me, because I did not expect him to join the queue like the rest of the congregation. When it was his turn to take the bread and the cup from the priest, he actually knelt down to receive them. His attitude of humility is what I like about him. It is an apparently rare quality among politicians. Thus, I will be voting for him in the upcoming election. :)

Dare to Dream

Saturday, July 9, 2011



Dare to Dream 敢于梦想

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Travel Buddy

If everything goes as planned, I will be meeting a travel buddy from Greece in Beijing later this year. :)

Dare to Dream

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

今天傍晚遇到一个老色鬼,让我很生气!不知道为什么,男人越老似乎就越好色、行为举止也越变态。It's so disgusting!

Dare to Dream


A dream without passion is like a car without engine.

Dare to Dream


前阵子去了云顶高原散心。。。是我第一次去到哪里。以前其实有想过要去,但是因为听过去哪里的旅游巴士常出意外,所以一直没去。我觉得哪里没什么特别的,所以再去的可能性很低。其实我这个人若喜欢上一个地方,就会去了又去,例如马来西亚的滨城。所以若我是旅游评论家,我一定会推荐滨城给旅客。虽然我对云顶高原之旅感到失望,但是我会推荐哪里的一个地方给读者,那就是Healing Touch 按摩中心。其实这个按摩中心跟一般的按摩中心没两样,但是哪里有所谓的鱼疗。什么是鱼疗呢?鱼疗基本上是用鱼去除死皮。所以,若你不怕痒的话,就可以考虑去做鱼疗,让鱼池里的小鱼儿帮你去除你脚上与脚底的死皮。:)

Dare to Dream 敢于梦想

Friday, July 1, 2011

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

I am currently seeking treatment from a Chinese physician. After just a few treatments, I am already seeing obvious results. Hence, I would recommend TCM to anyone with medical problem(s). 因为它治根,所以与西药相比会更加有效。

Dare to Dream