Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Today is the last day of 2014...So many things have happened this year...I'm thankful that my sanity and integrity have remained intact despite all the bad things that have happened to me at work this year. I'm thankful that I've not lost my sense of humour despite all the bad things that have happened. I'm thankful that I've a resilient and unbreakable spirit, which I think is so essential in a world that is full of uncertainties. I'm thankful that I've long recognised the importance of not initiating sins against other people, and I'm thankful that I try not to do so (not because I'm so righteous but because I believe in retribution). Last but not least, I'm thankful that there are people that I can count on to pray for me.
Sometimes I wonder if it's worth making so many work...for people...Is it wise? Or is it foolish? Should I try to be more self-centred and more selfish? After all, as long as I'm  not deliberately hurting anyone or deliberately sinning against anyone, does it matter? 

Dare to Dream