Monday, June 22, 2015


感觉自己越来越幸运了。。。上星期六,我拿我的 Samsung tablet 去 service centre, 因为battery好像坏了。。。今天去 collect 的时候,服务员告诉我他们帮我换了battery, 同时也帮我换了LCD screen。。。Normally during warranty period, LCD screen (as far as I know) is not covered. That means I was supposed to pay, but I was not asked to pay. Something was actually wrong with my old LCD screen (in addition to having some scratches) but that was not the reason why I had sent it to the service centre. They were thus not obligated to change it for me but they changed it nonetheless, and FOC!:) 觉得自己真的越来越幸运了。。。感恩。。。

Dare to Dream 敢于梦想