Women are born to be loved and cherished, not to be abused.
A few days ago, I went for a work-related workshop. One of the topics covered was on abusive relationships. The speaker told the audience that 90% of abusers are men. I beg to differ. I believe that more than 90% (at least 95%) of the abusers are men.
I wonder why women would choose to stay in abusive relationships? Why don't they leave/end such relationships? I believe that in the long run, leaving/ending such relationships would be beneficial to themselves as well as their children (if they have children).
I believe that women who enter abusive relationships or who choose to stay in such relationships have insecurity issues that need to be addressed. Otherwise, they would probably subject themselves to perpetual abuse in order to keep the relationships or they would end up in other abusive relationships.
Dare to Dream