我刚刚·心血来潮写了这首歌的副歌部分。我好喜欢它的旋律。:) 写这首歌的原因是因为昨天突然间想到好多年前做的一个梦。在梦里,我看见三组人:眼睛瞎的、在监牢服刑的以及患有精神病的。当时上帝好像是要叫我服侍这三组人。我已经服侍了前两组人,所以可能接下来会服侍第三组人。我也可能会继续写疗伤的歌曲吧。
I have just composed the chorus of this song. I like the melody very much. :) The reason why I have started writing this song is because yesterday I suddenly recalled a dream that I had many years ago. In that dream, I saw three groups of people: the blind, the prisoners and the mentally unwell. At that time, it seemed that God wanted me to serve these three groups of people. I have already served the first two groups, and so I might be serving the third group of people in the near future. There is also a possibility that I might continue writing songs of healing.
Dare to Dream 敢于梦想