Saturday, June 30, 2012

被別人誤解的滋味很不好受;被別人惡意中傷導致他人誤解的滋味更加不好受。不知道為什麼就是常遇到被人誤解、惡意中傷的情形。所以,雖然我不屬於城市豐收教會,但是我相當同情這閒教會的主任牧師,Ps Kong Hee. 有時候真的是有口難言。祝福他能夠含冤得雪。

Dare to Dream敢于夢想

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Food for Thought

All strong brands, whether business or personal, have at their foundations a clear belief system. Yes, they may have wonderful logos...but make no mistake, it's the value provided - which reflects the values within - that people care about and are attracted to....the reliability of their performance is a continuing demonstration of their commitment to what they believe - their values.
~ David McNally & Karl D. Speak  (Authors of Be Your Own Brand)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

Consistency is the hallmark of all strong personal brands. Inconsistency weakens brands and suspends belief.
~ David McNally &  Karl D. Speak (Authors of Be Your Own Brand)

Dare to Dream

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

 I speak life into every part of my body and into every area of my life.

Dare to Dream

Monday, June 18, 2012

Practising My French

J'ai besoin d'aller loin, parce que J'ai besoin de quelques moments de calme.

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

A wise leader will never employ someone with insecurity issues to head a department, for such a person can create a lot of havoc.

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

A good leader will never create an unhealthy work environment, for he (she) knows that such an environment can affect the morale and productivity of those who report to him (her).

Dare to Dream

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I can never understand why some older men can fall easily in love with wicked and mean-spirited women? Don't they have the wisdom to recognise the true nature of these women?

Dare to Dream


Are Christians not supposed to stand up for their own right? Must Christians not stand up for their right in order to be seen as good Christians? Are Christians who are trampled upon by wicked and mean-spirited people supposed to remain quiet? Are Christians supposed to suffer in silence without retaliation?

Dare to Dream



Dare to Dream

Friday, June 15, 2012

Food for Thought

A good leader will never create division among those who report to him (her).

Dare to Dream

Thursday, June 14, 2012

It takes a lot of courage to dare to be different.

Dare to Dream
Must I conform to the ways and standards of the world in order to be accepted by the majority in the world? Must I sell my soul, betray my conscience and be a hypocrite in order to be accepted? Must I engage in office politics like the majority in order to be accepted? No, I won't want to conform. I am not being difficult; I just want to be myself.

Dare to Dream
Is keeping peace more important than standing up for my own right? Should I really stand up for my own right as what a colleague had encouraged me to?

Dare to Dream

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

给了某个人一次又一次的机会,但他始终不懂得珍惜。真的该放手了。我相信没有他,你会过得更开心、更自在、更自由。还是把精力放在追逐自己的梦想会比较实际。你不应该再为任何男人掉眼泪。我相信你是可以死心的。就把这次的付出当成一个教训。且记住, 不要再这么容易被感到。你一定要彻底地死心、彻底地放手。或许有一个真的值得你付出的对象正在默默的守候。或许当你彻底放手之后,你才会注意到他的存在。我祝福你; 我祝福我自己。

Dare to Dream

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pretending that I like someone (not in the romantic sense) when I don't is a chore. I would rather be real than to be a hypocrite. Je deteste les hypocrites!

Dare to Dream


People who are not honest with me put me off, partly because I value honesty in all relationships (incl. work relationships), and partly because such people must have thought that I can be easily fooled and thereby insulting my intelligence.

Dare to Dream
被人误解的滋味很不好受。被曾经是朋友的人恶意中伤、在背后造谣的滋味更不好受。我相信这样的人是会有报应的, 正所谓《不是不报、时辰未到》。

Dare to Dream 敢于梦想

Monday, June 11, 2012



Dare to Dream 敢于梦想

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Food for Thought

...personal brands grow strong when they are focused on meeting the needs of others without sacrificing the values on which they are based.
~ David NcNally and Karl Speak (Authors of Be Your Own Brand)

Dare to Dream

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Food for Thought

The difference between one person and another is that the person with a strong brand utilizes his or her special qualities to make a difference in the lives of others.
~ David McNally and Karl Speak (Authors of Be Your Own Brand)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

...importance of maintaining high standards for making a difference that separates a strong personal brand from all the others.
~David McNally and Karl Speak (Authors of Be Your Own Brand)
Dare to Dream

Friday, June 8, 2012

Food for Thought

You can't win the game of life if you are losing in your own mind...
~ Bryan Dodge

Dare to Dream

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Do what you love and make sure that your heart is in your work.
~ Bryan Dodge

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought's better to be alone rather than being with someone who makes you feel like you are alone.
~ Cecelia Wong

Dare to Dream

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Food for Thought

...the lives of those who do not receive recognition often have a greater impact on those they touch than the lives of those who are publicly rewarded.
~ Jeffrey A. Wands (Author of Knock and the Door will Open)

Dare to Dream