Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Resolutions for 2015

One of the things that I hope I'll start doing is keeping fit, especially because my energy gets sapped a lot and my health has suffered a great deal this year, due to my work environment and the people at work.

Dare to Dream
Today is the last day of 2014...So many things have happened this year...I'm thankful that my sanity and integrity have remained intact despite all the bad things that have happened to me at work this year. I'm thankful that I've not lost my sense of humour despite all the bad things that have happened. I'm thankful that I've a resilient and unbreakable spirit, which I think is so essential in a world that is full of uncertainties. I'm thankful that I've long recognised the importance of not initiating sins against other people, and I'm thankful that I try not to do so (not because I'm so righteous but because I believe in retribution). Last but not least, I'm thankful that there are people that I can count on to pray for me.
Sometimes I wonder if it's worth making so many work...for people...Is it wise? Or is it foolish? Should I try to be more self-centred and more selfish? After all, as long as I'm  not deliberately hurting anyone or deliberately sinning against anyone, does it matter? 

Dare to Dream

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Food for Thought

Today, I attended a work-related Christmas party. The invited speaker shared about the Ostrich Syndrome. He said that people who would rather hide from their problems - thinking that their problems would go away when they do so - are like ostriches. I think it's wise to confront our problems than to hide from our problems, because the same problems are likely to recur until we have learnt to confront them.

Dare to Dream
As this year is coming to an end soon, it's time to make resolutions for 2015. In 2015, I hope I'll make it a habit to openly appreciate people who are genuinely kind to me, people who don't initiate sins against me and people who don't gang up with others against me.
Today, I told three people that I appreciated them for being kind to me in one way or another. Why? It's because I've encountered too many evil people  - people who have plotted evil against me without me sinning against them and others who have ganged up with these people - at work this year.

Dare to Dream


我能够即兴创作一首歌曲(歌词加歌曲)。。。是一种天分 (不是自夸哦)。。。有时候心血来潮就即兴创作歌曲,但就是没把歌曲录起来。。。有时候是因为刚起来声音并不怎么好听。。。有时候是因为喉咙痛。。。当然还有其他原因。。。如果有某些地方让我驻唱 (哈哈哈哈。。。在幻想当中)。。。刚才起来的时候,就即兴唱了几句。。。开头大概是 [我好想你、我好想你,我是真的好想你]。。。 觉得蛮好听的 。。。:)(不是自大,也不是自夸哦。。。都说了,是一种天分啊。。。所以没有必要自夸)起来之前又梦见他了。。。相思之苦好难耐哦。。。:(

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Healing Winds

You need to allow yourself to heal in order to move on in life...I believe that the first step to healing is to admit to yourself that you are hurting inside...You will keep yourself trapped if you continue to be in denial...Maybe the next song I will be writing will be a song of healing...Just thought of a title for the song: Healing Winds...

Dare to Dream

Saturday, December 6, 2014



敢于梦想于Dare to Dream

Friday, November 21, 2014


敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Monday, November 17, 2014

My Thoughts

There are so many troublemakers at my workplace...sigh...:( They seem to enjoy being troublemakers and making life miserable for others. Without these troublemakers, my workplace would be such a peaceful place. :) And without these troublemakers, I'd not have to waste SO MUCH precious time protecting my files, etc, etc. If my big boss would remove existing troublemakers and stop employing troublemakers, I'm sure it'd boost overall productivity and morale at work.
Dare to Dream

Saturday, November 15, 2014

最近在金钱上帮了一个人。。。一个以恶报恩的人。。。觉得帮得很不值得。。。I have zero tolerance for ingrates, especially those who repay my kindness with evil!!! 因为她,我有可能今年底不可以出国旅行了。。。:( 我并不是要她感激我。。。但是她就是不应该以恶报恩。。。那是做人最基本的原则。。。她又不是我的亲人, 也不是我的朋友, 所以我没有义务帮她。。。我最憎恨那些以恶报恩的人!!!

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Saturday, November 8, 2014



敢于梦想Dare to Dream
I just read a news article on ( pertaining to the case I mentioned in my previous post. The owner of the shop in question faced an almost immediate 'judgment' (retribution). 所以,千万不要以为你不会有报应。。。只是迟早的问题。。。yes, your retribution (judgment) may be deferred...but it doesn't mean it won't come...也许你的孩子或家人会因为你所犯的错而得到你所应该得到的报应。。。所以,做人千万不要做违背良心的事。。。

Dare to Dream 敢于梦想

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I just read a piece of news on (Check it out at How could the owner of the shop in question 'take advantage' of the Vietnamese tourist's apparent ignorance and lack of fluency in English???!!! It's unbelievable that no passers-by were willing to help him! I would have stepped forward to help him if I were there, even though I'm a woman. (Not kidding!) As a Singaporean, I wouldn't even want to shop at Sim Lim Square...

Dare to Dream

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Recently, a total stranger gave me a green agate. It was as if she was expecting me at that particular moment. I just did a google search and found out that a green agate 'corresponds to someone who is compassionate, generous, has good fortune and a keen sense of justice'. I am amazed...because it describes me perfectly! I am not boasting, ok.

Dare to Dream

Friday, October 31, 2014

我大老板似乎很喜欢聘请有邪恶心肠的人,也似乎很喜欢聘请很会‘吃蛇’的人。他聘请了很多有邪恶心肠,同时又很会‘吃蛇’的人。:( :( 最近他聘请了一个新同事,才工作不到两、三个星期的时候,已经开始‘吃蛇’了, 而且‘吃’得很离谱!! 这么会‘吃蛇’的人,人格肯定有问题, 也肯定是缺乏责任感!!!很多时候,这样的人都是小人!:( :(

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Monday, October 27, 2014

So Disgusting!!!

I just saw a very old man putting his hand through his shorts and masturbated himself for at least 2 min! (I thought he was just scratching himself until I observed him more closely!) Goodness gracious!!! How could he do it in a public bus when there were other passengers around and when I was seated beside him!!! So disgusting!!! He should be publicly shamed!!! Another elderly man apparently saw what he did but chose to look away. Goodness!!!
Dare to Dream

Sunday, October 26, 2014

好几个月前开始发现除了我的大老板所派的私家侦探之外,似乎还有其他人也派了私家侦探跟踪我。。。其中一个很过分。。。他似乎指示他所派的私家侦探要明目张胆出现在我面前!! 这些男人真的太过分了,竟然一直侵犯我的隐私!!! 害我要约家人或朋友出去,(很多时候)都不敢。。。毕竟有些话题只适合跟某些人讲。。。(而且我比较喜欢面对面讲。。。通过电话就是似乎少了什么的)虽然我很享受独处,也很重视独处,但是人毕竟不是‘孤屿’啊。。。如果派私家侦探跟踪我的人只是想多了解我,我勉强可以接受 (当然最好是不要啦!)。。。但是我无法接受我大老板派私家侦探跟踪我,因为他是站在我敌人那一边的!!!
敢于梦想Dare to Dream

Thursday, October 16, 2014

There are times when I wish I am not as 'conscience-conscious' as I am, because not being overly 'conscience-conscious' may make it a lot easier for me to make a lot of decisions in life...尤其是关于选择男朋友、终生伴侣方面。。。sigh...

Dare to Dream 敢于梦想

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


敢于梦想Dare to Dream

Sunday, October 12, 2014



敢于梦想Dare to Dream
小人实在太可怕了!你不需要去招惹他们,他们也会‘主动’来招惹你、攻击你。。。他们甚至会不择手段去对付你。。。because their hearts are inclined towards evil。。。小人可能会给自己找借口,说什么‘他们只是在玩办公室政治,没什么大不了的。。。别人也在玩啊,不是吗?’之类的借口。。。其实如果他们敢面对真实的自己,他们就会(至少对自己)承认他们的心是邪恶的。。。也许他们会继续做缺德的事,以为不会有报应的。。。或许他们不相信报应这回事。。。但是不相信并不表示它不存在。。。也许报应会降临在他们家人身上。。。又或许报应会降临在他们后代身上。。。宁可信其有,不要宁可信其无。。。这才是明智的抉择。。。

敢于梦想Dare to Dream

Saturday, October 11, 2014

敢于梦想Dare to Dream

Friday, October 10, 2014


敢于梦想Dare to Dream

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Food for Thought

The more evil a person is, the more he (she) seems to be lacking in wisdom.
Dare to Dream
敢于梦想Dare to Dream

Monday, September 29, 2014

I really can't stand the sight of the PIs who are sent to check on me in the middle of the night!!! Can you imagine having one man or two men looking up at you through a window in the middle of the night???!!! It can be very eerie, you know?! This is especially so during the Hungry Ghost month! During the recent Hungry Ghost month, the PIs were also sent to check on me in the middle of the night!!! Can you imagine the eerie feeling?! Aiyo!!!! I know I can avoid seeing them by having the window closed, but my brother has the habit of opening it (wide at times!). And since some months ago, I started having the tendency to sleep at about 10 plus at night and waking up in the middle of the night (是自然醒的。。。因为我只需要大约4个小时的睡眠时间。。。) to do my 'business'.  可怜的我!!! I live on the 2nd floor!!! Whoever that has sent the PIs to check on me in the middle of the night must be really sick!!! (But thankfully, I don't have to face the 'torture' every night.)

Dare to Dream

Sunday, September 28, 2014


敢于梦想Dare to Dream

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


一个不敢面对问题, 反而选择逃避的男人不适合做终生伴侣。

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Sunday, September 21, 2014

不知道从几时开始,发现自己已经喜欢上你了。。。不知道你是否感应得到? 最近每当心情不好的时候、觉得很受委屈的时候,都会想到你。。。想紧紧的抱住你。。。觉得这样能够平复自己的情绪。。。不需要你听我诉苦,只需要你在我身边。。。知道你曾经喜欢我。。。不知道现在的你心里可有我?若有机会再遇到你,希望我有勇气跟你告白。。。

敢于梦想Dare to Dream

Sunday, September 14, 2014

My Thoughts

In order for a person to work in a charity (regardless of the position), I believe that the top prerequisite is to have a good heart. Sadly and ironically, a lot of people at my workplace have hearts that are inclined towards evil (or are full of evil).
Dare to Dream

Sunday, September 7, 2014

I can't stand people who are deceptive and who, at the same time, think that I lack the intelligence to recognise their deception!
Dare to Dream

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My Thoughts 我的想法

Sometimes when it's too late to do damage control, it'll not help at all no matter how hard you try. 所以做人千万不要做得太过分,因为等你需要别人宽恕你、包容你的时候,别人未必愿意。
Dare to Dream 敢于梦想

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

在最后一集的《祖先保佑》, 男主角之一的陈泓宇告诉另一位男主角陈汉玮: 勇敢追求自己的所爱, 勇敢追求自己的梦想。就算不成功, 至少你曾经试过。你这一生才不会有遗憾。

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Monday, August 18, 2014


Dare to Dream敢于梦想

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Food for Thought

Anything but honesty is bound to create clutter in your heart or in your relationships. You can't afford either.
~ Lauren Rosenfeld & Dr Melva Green (Authors of Breathing Room)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
~ Lauren Rosenfeld & Dr Melva Green (Authors of Breathing Room)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

Nothing - no matter how much you paid for it, or who gave it to you, or how long it has been in your family - is truly valuable if it is eating up space in your heart that can be used for love, happiness, and freedom.
~ Lauren Rosenfeld & Dr Melva Green (Authors of Breathing Room)

Dare to Dream

Saturday, August 2, 2014


我刚彈了我在几年前所创作的这首歌。。。我不太喜欢其中的一小段, 就把其中一个音符给改了。。。改了之候, 听起来觉得比较悦耳。。。

Dare to Dream敢于梦想

Sunday, July 27, 2014

You Have Clothed Me with Your Glory

I played one of my own songs just now, which I composed years ago. The music sounded nice to me.:) When I first composed it, I didn't quite like it. Probably at that time, the perfectionist streak in me was still quite dominant, and that was why I didn't quite like it. Or maybe because at that time, I still had a lot of spiritual and emotional clutter, which made it difficult for me to appreciate my own musical talent.
Dare to Dream

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

So Blessed

My birthday this year was special...and I felt so well-loved.:) 

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

If you are upright and your conscience is clear, then you should not be afraid of those who are unrighteous and who hate your guts.

Dare to Dream

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Food for Thought

Bad company corrupts good character.
~ 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV)
I agree absolutely. That's why I'd rather shun certain people at work and be labelled as anti-social, than to be close to them and allow them to be a bad influence in my life.
Dare to Dream

Friday, July 18, 2014


I think I am now ready for love.:p I have done quite a fair bit of decluttering lately. And somehow decluttering of the physical environment seems to help me remove my emotional clutter layer by layer. 

Dare to Dream

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Feeling 'Super' Blessed

A very dear friend gave me a Guess wallet as a birthday gift.:) I feel 'super' blessed, especially because my friend isn't well-off and she specially sent it from New Zealand.:) Furthermore, I wasn't expecting a birthday gift from her. Just her friendship is a good enough gift for me.:) 

Dare to Dream

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Decluttering really works.:) I could feel a positive shift in energy. Things are changing at the spiritual, physical and emotional/mental levels.:)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

Miracles happen when we allow ourselves comfort and compassion. When we allow ourselves breathing room.
~ Lauren Rosenfeld & Dr Melva Green (Authors of Breathing Room)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

We need to create breathing room in our schedules so that the activities we choose have the potential to nourish us.
~ Lauren Rosenfeld & Dr Melva Green (Authors of Breathing Room)

Dare to Dream

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Food for Thought

Grief is a process. It can't be rushed. It can't be pushed. It takes its time...As long as grief keeps moving and flowing, it is a healthy process of letting go...(We) should not try to push (our) grief away, even if it seems to come at "inconvenient" times or take (us) by surprise. This is a healthy and necessary process of letting go.
~ Lauren Rosenfeld & Dr Melva Green (Authors of Breathing Room)

Dare to Dream

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Food for Thought

To those problematic people who have the tendency to project their problematic selves onto others, I want to say: Learn to live with yourselves. Accept yourselves. Work on your flaws and work on the problematic you. And stop being such a pain!
Dare to Dream

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Food for Thought

Someone commented today that she'd rather let me be her counsellor than let my counsellor colleague be her counsellor, even though I'm not trained in counselling. She said something to the effect that there must be rapport between a counsellor and a counsellee in order for counselling to be effective. I agree! In fact, in all helping relationships, rapport is one crucial element. Having head knowledge of counselling theories, et cetera will never be good enough, if a counsellor is unable or unwilling to bring himself or herself down to the level of his or her counsellee. How can rapport be established if a counsellor fails to bring himself or herself down to the level of his or her counsellee? 

Dare to Dream

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Food for Thought

You only have room and time for what you truly love.
~ By Lauren Rosenfeld & Dr Melva Green (Authors of Breathing Room)

Dare to Dream

Friday, July 4, 2014


It's very unbelievable that those with integrity issue like to question or doubt my integrity but yet choose to trust others with similar integrity issue!!! 

Dare to Dream

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


In the past few weeks, I had been trying to remove some clutter in my room. And it so happened that I decided to spend the last two days and today 'decluttering' my inner being. And you know what? Yesterday, I decided to buy myself a book and one book seemed to be 'calling out' to me. Can you believe that the book is about decluttering one's physical, emotional and mental spaces?! All these might seem to be coincidental, but I don't think so. Decluttering must take place in order for a new life to be birthed and for healing to take place.

Dare to Dream

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Food for Thought

I've said it quite a number of times and I think it warrants a repeat: I may not look smart but I'm certainly NOT stupid or gullible!!! You (It's a plural 'you' here) may be able to deceive other people easily but it doesn't mean you can deceive me easily. When I was a philosophy major in uni, I was trained to think critically. So please don't assume that I'm a fool!!!

Dare to Dream

Sunday, June 29, 2014

你为了你的‘小白脸’做了超多的。。。例如,你显然的为了他而提升了他部门所有的人, 因而让资深的同事享有28天的年假。。。你也显然的为了他而给他异常的加薪(听说是12%)、提升他两次。。。你甚至为了他多凭请了三个同事。。。(你可以为了他做了这些违背良心的事。。。你应该知道你这样做就等于滥用公款以及滥用捐款。。。)你也为了他而给他很多学习的机会以及表现自己的机会。。。你更为了他而让他参与各项大小型活动的策划。。。还有,你蛮常接他上班、送他回家。甚至于送他和他母亲去医院复诊之类的。。。反之,你却完全没为我做什么。。。甚至于每当我上司欺压我的时候,你只会躲避,完全没替我出气。。。或许你会以为我是在吃醋。。。但是我没有哦。。。我只是在提醒我自己,你这个人根本就完全不值得让我托付终身。。。更何况你又是一个感情泛滥的情场高手。。。
敢于梦想 Dare to Dream


I will be spending the next three days on decluttering and in solitude. Hopefully, much decluttering work will be done during this period. And hopefully, much will be gained from this period of solitude too. 

Dare to Dream

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My Thoughts

If I can tell that someone whom I have met for the first time is 'dangerous', obviously I can also tell who are not my real friends and who are those who befriend me with ulterior motives. I may not say it but it does not mean that I do not know. I may not look smart but it certainly does not mean that I can be easily deceived. 

Dare to Dream

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Telltale Signs of Deceit

It's actually not that difficult to tell when a person is not being truthful (sincere). The obvious sign is when he (she) blinks his (her) eyes involuntarily when he (she) talks to you (unless he's (she's) already an expert in deception and he (she) can lie through his (her) teeth). When he (she) talks to you without facing you but instead facing another direction, that's another sign that he's (she's) not being truthful (sincere), unless you know that he's (she's) shy. And another sign that he's (she's) not being truthful (sincere) is when he (she) turns his (her) head to the right when he's (she's) talking to you. 

Dare to Dream

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Arrogance vs Humility

I am very amazed when people with no training and no experience in a particular field question the knowledge of someone who is very experienced in that field, and with such audacity! These people are so arrogant! They need to learn humility.

Dare to Dream

Monday, June 16, 2014



敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Sunday, June 15, 2014

My Thoughts

In the context of my workplace, I think it's terribly unwise to employ a counsellor who's not effectively bilingual. There'll be times when she's required to provide counselling to Mandarin-speaking clients. And if family members or relatives are not available to do the translation for her, her colleagues will have to help. Man-hours are put to waste as a result. And if two people are employed to do the same amount of work that was previously done by one person or if more people are employed to do less amount of work, it's not only a waste of manpower, it's also a waste of financial resources. All these should not have happened, especially when it's a charity that relies on government funding and donations (from companies and individuals). I'm very amazed that the management of a charity that had its IPC revoked in the past does not seem to have learnt its lesson. 

Dare to Dream

Friday, June 13, 2014


I think girls should learn karate (or other martial arts) from young to protect themselves from serial rapists, etc, especially in places and countries where there is a high incidence of crimes (including rape) against girls and women. Check out a video on how a girl protected herself from a man on Youtube:

Dare to Dream


刚才在网上看了最新一集的《球在你脚下》。开场有一句话, 大概是说一个人可以忙着追求自己的梦想, 但是千万不要因为忙而忘了追求自己的梦想。我举双手赞成。:)

Dare to Dream 敢于梦想

Difference Between a 'Goat' and a 'Sheep'

There is a key diiference between a 'goat' and a 'sheep'. A 'goat' has the appearance but has no real substance whereas a 'sheep' has both the appearance and real substance. That is why a 'goat' will end up in hell wheareas a 'sheep' will go to heaven.

Dare to Dream

Monday, June 2, 2014

Some people simply enjoy bullying others and yet are thick-skinned enough to pretend to be fair in front of their bosses. They are such despicable hypocrites! They are probably thinking that they will continue to be spared from judgment/punishment just because they have been spared all these years. There is a season for everything and their season for judgment/punishment is probably near at hand.

Dare to Dream

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dr Chee Soon Juan

I admire people who dare to stand by what they believe in regardless of the price they have to pay. One such person is Dr Chee Soon Juan. Check out an article on him at

Dare to Dream

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Thoughts

No matter how experienced a person is in a particular job/field, there'll always be things that he doesn't know pertaining to that particular job/field. So it's ok to admit that you don't know certain things (even things that may be expected of you to know). There's no need to pretend that you know when you actually don't. It takes a person who is humble to admit that he doesn't know. And it takes a person who knows his own worth and who is self-assured to admit that he doesn't know, even admitting to someone who is new to a particular job/field that he doesn't know certain things. Therefore, to those who feel compelled to prove their own worth to the people around them, I want to say the following: Learn to appreciate your own worth. Work on your self-esteem. And know that each of us is made differently with his own unique talents and capabilities. 

Dare to Dream

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


原本打算在六月底到台湾旅游、散心, 享受一个人的平静。。。但是现在想想,倒不如把旅游费省下来, 给一个很需要这笔钱的人。。。毕竟能帮到别人是一件很幸福的事。。。幸福其实可以很简单。。。施比受更为有福吧。。。希望十二月到缅甸旅游的计划能够实现,不会因为又碰到需要帮助的人而临时改变计划。。。

敢于梦想Dare to Dream

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

On Eagle's Wings

I was tossing in bed trying to fall asleep but just couldn't sleep, so I decided to compose the music for this song, which I wrote a few years ago. As I was reflecting on the music for this song, it suddenly dawned on me that the music is a little different from my usual style. This piece is a bit more upbeat and I quite like it.:)
Dare to Dream

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

给你机会的时候,你并不愿意珍惜。。。等到错过了才想要找机会。。。现在我很清楚、也很确认一件事,那就是我不可能再给你机会了。。。我一旦做了决定,就会坚守决定。。。只能怪你自己愚蠢吧。。。不要以为你长得好看,我所做的决定就会被动摇。。。也不要以为你找机会靠近, 我所做的决定就会被动摇。。。也千万不要以为你继续找私家侦探跟踪我,我的决定就会被动摇。。。也千万千万不要以为你有家财万贯, 我的决定就会被动摇,因为我并不是拜金主义者。。。
敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Food for Thought

The people you choose to be close to can influence you (and your character) negatively, unless you have such a strong willpower and you are constantly on guard against being influenced. However, it is simply impossible to guard against being negatively influenced all the time. That is why if you choose to be close to someone who is wicked, you will eventually become wicked. And if you choose to be close to someone who is cunning, you will eventually become cunning. In other words, you will become the mirror image of those you choose to be close to. That is why I am very particular about who I choose to be close to.
Dare to Dream

Friday, May 16, 2014

Food for Thought

If you really believe in your God (whoever your God may be), then there's no need for you to play politics at work.
Dare to Dream

Thursday, May 15, 2014

I met a dirty old man just now but yet I couldn't scold him or stare at him, because I was in the Subordinate Courts and the dirty old man happens to be my client's father! I really can't stand dirty old men!!! They are so disgusting!!! Why are men so 'sick'???!!! And why is it that the older men get, the more 'sick' they become???!!! So offensive!!! 

Dare to Dream

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Food for Thought

~ Taken from a post on Facebook
It's so beautifully written.:)
Dare to Dream

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Today, a colleague who's very lacking in integrity, actually questioned my integrity, albeit in an indirect way! (To her: You have NO right to question my integrity when you yourself lack integrity!!! I always pride myself on the fact that I'm a woman of integrity!)
I finally managed to snap a photo of a sick and disgusting man who talked to me in a demeaning manner (as if he was talking to a cheap woman) in the past! Even though I showed my displeasure at his offensive manner then, he continues to deliberately come close and look at me in offensive ways every time I dine there alone. Such a sick man must be put to shame!!! Incidentally, he's just an OLD and UGLY coffee shop assistant, which make his offensive ways seem more offensive!!!
Dare to Dream

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Instrumental Piece - Untitled (?) or Peace (?)

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Saturday, April 26, 2014

My Thoughts

Childishness is a disease in one's mind that is manifested in one's actions. To me, it is ok for an old person to be childlike but it is totally unacceptable for him (her) to be childish. 

Dare to Dream

Friday, April 25, 2014

Don't assume that managers in (and managers of) charities have good hearts, because in reality, they could be a lot 'uglier' than their counterparts in the corporate world. 

Dare to Dream

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Practising My French

Je t'aime...M'aimes-tu aussi?

It's been a few years since I took French lessons...

Dare to Dream

Friday, April 18, 2014

Star Day Off

在最新一集的《今天不开工》, Pornsak 说了一句话。他大概是说在独处的时候 , 才能够听到自己内心的声音。说得太好了。我非常同意。除了在独处的时候能够听到自己内心的声音之外, 独处的时候也能让自己内心得到平静。内心能得到平静是很重要的。。。

Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Quote

Be who you are and say what you feel. Because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
~ Quote from someone on Facebook

It's so true...

Dare to Dream

Sunday, April 6, 2014



敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

就是因为我有良知、有道德,所以才苦恼。。。真的放不下,怎么办? 该如何才好?

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Saturday, March 15, 2014

My Thoughts

According to a colleague, writing is therapeutic. I agree absolutely. Writing helps me to release negative emotions and negative thoughts. It helps me to get unstuck. That's why I like writing, and in particular, writing songs. 

Dare to Dream

Monday, March 10, 2014


敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Season for Healing (疗伤的季节)


Dare to Dream 敢于梦想

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Feeling Blessed

Someone gave me this Kate Spade wallet as a gift...:)
Dare to Dream

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Singapore Flyer - Part 2

View from Inside the Capsule

Dare to Dream

Singapore Flyer - Part 1

The tour guide told us that the Singapore Flyer consists of 28 capsules. He also told us that each capsule can take in 28 people and that the total time we are going to spend inside the capsule is 28 minutes. Why 28? According to him, it is because this number, in Cantonese, means 'easy to prosper'. 

One of the capsules
View from Inside the Capsule

Floating Stadium

Dare to Dream

Duck Tour (Singapore) - Part 2

This lotus-shaped structure is the ArtScience Museum.


Marina Bay Sands
Gardens by the Bay

According to the tour guide, the condo units here costs many millions of dollars each!

We were told to take pictures of the skyscrapers...according to the tour guide, these commercial buildings will be demolished within the next couple of years to make way for residential buildings.
Dare to Dream

Duck Tour (Singapore) - Part 1

Singapore Flyer

Gardens by the Bay

The Merlion

The Esplanade (also known as 'Durian')

Dare to Dream

Friday, February 21, 2014


敢于梦想 Dare to Dream 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

My Thoughts

My boss once arrogantly insisted that the intellectually disabled - including those who are high-functioning - cannot be counselled to change their behaviours because, according to her, they can never change. But I didn't agree and I still don't agree with her view. I believe that those who are high-functioning can be counselled to change their behaviours if the counsellor employs behaviour modification techniques or some other appropriate techniques.
Dare to Dream

Monday, January 20, 2014

Fare Hike

How can the relevant authorities propose another fare hike when there have been quite frequent train delays (due to whatever reasons)???!!!

Dare to Dream

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Human Trafficking

It is mind-blowing and sad to think of how human beings - particularly men - can be so wicked to enslave women and children in prostitution through human trafficking. Something needs to be done for these poor women and children who are forced into prostitution!!! Are the law enforcers doing enough to stop human trafficking? This morning, a colleague was telling me that there are a lot of women from China who are being trafficked into Singapore and are forced into prostitution. Sigh...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My Thoughts

I don't understand why there are still many women who visit India despite the many cases of rape there. Even though I like to travel, but I will never risk my safety and sanity. Imagine the trauma! It may take one's lifetime to heal from the psychological scar! 

Dare to Dream

Friday, January 10, 2014

Photos Taken During Xiamen Trip (14)


Dare to Dream 敢于梦想

Photos Taken During Xiamen Trip (13)



Dare to Dream 敢于梦想

Photos Taken During Xiamen Trip (12)




Dare to Dream 敢于梦想