Friday, November 21, 2014


敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Monday, November 17, 2014

My Thoughts

There are so many troublemakers at my workplace...sigh...:( They seem to enjoy being troublemakers and making life miserable for others. Without these troublemakers, my workplace would be such a peaceful place. :) And without these troublemakers, I'd not have to waste SO MUCH precious time protecting my files, etc, etc. If my big boss would remove existing troublemakers and stop employing troublemakers, I'm sure it'd boost overall productivity and morale at work.
Dare to Dream

Saturday, November 15, 2014

最近在金钱上帮了一个人。。。一个以恶报恩的人。。。觉得帮得很不值得。。。I have zero tolerance for ingrates, especially those who repay my kindness with evil!!! 因为她,我有可能今年底不可以出国旅行了。。。:( 我并不是要她感激我。。。但是她就是不应该以恶报恩。。。那是做人最基本的原则。。。她又不是我的亲人, 也不是我的朋友, 所以我没有义务帮她。。。我最憎恨那些以恶报恩的人!!!

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Saturday, November 8, 2014



敢于梦想Dare to Dream
I just read a news article on ( pertaining to the case I mentioned in my previous post. The owner of the shop in question faced an almost immediate 'judgment' (retribution). 所以,千万不要以为你不会有报应。。。只是迟早的问题。。。yes, your retribution (judgment) may be deferred...but it doesn't mean it won't come...也许你的孩子或家人会因为你所犯的错而得到你所应该得到的报应。。。所以,做人千万不要做违背良心的事。。。

Dare to Dream 敢于梦想

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I just read a piece of news on (Check it out at How could the owner of the shop in question 'take advantage' of the Vietnamese tourist's apparent ignorance and lack of fluency in English???!!! It's unbelievable that no passers-by were willing to help him! I would have stepped forward to help him if I were there, even though I'm a woman. (Not kidding!) As a Singaporean, I wouldn't even want to shop at Sim Lim Square...

Dare to Dream

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Recently, a total stranger gave me a green agate. It was as if she was expecting me at that particular moment. I just did a google search and found out that a green agate 'corresponds to someone who is compassionate, generous, has good fortune and a keen sense of justice'. I am amazed...because it describes me perfectly! I am not boasting, ok.

Dare to Dream