Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Resolutions for 2015

One of the things that I hope I'll start doing is keeping fit, especially because my energy gets sapped a lot and my health has suffered a great deal this year, due to my work environment and the people at work.

Dare to Dream
Today is the last day of 2014...So many things have happened this year...I'm thankful that my sanity and integrity have remained intact despite all the bad things that have happened to me at work this year. I'm thankful that I've not lost my sense of humour despite all the bad things that have happened. I'm thankful that I've a resilient and unbreakable spirit, which I think is so essential in a world that is full of uncertainties. I'm thankful that I've long recognised the importance of not initiating sins against other people, and I'm thankful that I try not to do so (not because I'm so righteous but because I believe in retribution). Last but not least, I'm thankful that there are people that I can count on to pray for me.
Sometimes I wonder if it's worth making so many work...for people...Is it wise? Or is it foolish? Should I try to be more self-centred and more selfish? After all, as long as I'm  not deliberately hurting anyone or deliberately sinning against anyone, does it matter? 

Dare to Dream

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Food for Thought

Today, I attended a work-related Christmas party. The invited speaker shared about the Ostrich Syndrome. He said that people who would rather hide from their problems - thinking that their problems would go away when they do so - are like ostriches. I think it's wise to confront our problems than to hide from our problems, because the same problems are likely to recur until we have learnt to confront them.

Dare to Dream
As this year is coming to an end soon, it's time to make resolutions for 2015. In 2015, I hope I'll make it a habit to openly appreciate people who are genuinely kind to me, people who don't initiate sins against me and people who don't gang up with others against me.
Today, I told three people that I appreciated them for being kind to me in one way or another. Why? It's because I've encountered too many evil people  - people who have plotted evil against me without me sinning against them and others who have ganged up with these people - at work this year.

Dare to Dream


我能够即兴创作一首歌曲(歌词加歌曲)。。。是一种天分 (不是自夸哦)。。。有时候心血来潮就即兴创作歌曲,但就是没把歌曲录起来。。。有时候是因为刚起来声音并不怎么好听。。。有时候是因为喉咙痛。。。当然还有其他原因。。。如果有某些地方让我驻唱 (哈哈哈哈。。。在幻想当中)。。。刚才起来的时候,就即兴唱了几句。。。开头大概是 [我好想你、我好想你,我是真的好想你]。。。 觉得蛮好听的 。。。:)(不是自大,也不是自夸哦。。。都说了,是一种天分啊。。。所以没有必要自夸)起来之前又梦见他了。。。相思之苦好难耐哦。。。:(

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Healing Winds

You need to allow yourself to heal in order to move on in life...I believe that the first step to healing is to admit to yourself that you are hurting inside...You will keep yourself trapped if you continue to be in denial...Maybe the next song I will be writing will be a song of healing...Just thought of a title for the song: Healing Winds...

Dare to Dream

Saturday, December 6, 2014



敢于梦想于Dare to Dream