Sunday, May 31, 2015

Food for Thought

"Right-brained" and "left-brained" dominant introverts display different talents, behaviors, and limitations.
~ Marti Olsen Laney (Author of The Introvert Advantage)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

If you are more right-brained, you may tend to:
~ Interpret body language easily
~ Have a good sense of humor
~ Improvise
~ Deal with several problems at once
~ Use hands a lot in conversation
~ Notice patterns and think in pictures
~ Marti Olsen Laney (Author of The Introvert Advantage)
So true...

Dare to Dream

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

Energy conservation is also why we are very interested in other people but sometimes prefer to observe others rather than join them.
~ Marti Olsen Laney (Author of The Introvert Advantage)
Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

Introverts aren't unsocial - they are just social in a different way. Introverts need fewer relationships, but they like more connection and intimacy. Since it takes a great deal of our energy to engage with other people, we are reluctant to need to spend too much energy on socializing. That's why we don't enjoy idle chitchat.
~ Marti Olsen Laney (Author of The Introvert Advantage)
YES! I'm definitely NOT antisocial, although that seems to be the general impression people have of me.

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

Rather than bring self-centred, introverts are often really the opposite. Our ability to focus on our internal world and reflect on what we are feeling and experiencing allows us to understand the external world and other human beings better. What appears to be self-centredness is actually the very talent that provides the capacity to understand what it's like to put ourselves in someone else's shoes.
~ Marti Olsen Laney (Author of The Introvert Advantage)
So true!

Dare to Dream

Friday, May 29, 2015

今天,我的牙医让我感动。:) 这两天也有其他让我感动的人与事。除了要感激那些让我感动的人之外,其实我也该感激那些职场上的小人,因为他们的存在让我学会了保护自己等等(除了他们的小人烂招术),也让我发现其实我是被保护着的。。。人在做,天在看。。。是真的。。。

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Monday, May 25, 2015

Food for Thought

Counter to our stereotypes of introverts, they are not necessarily quiet or withdrawn, but their focus is inside their own heads. They need a quiet, reflective place where they can think things through and recharge themselves.
~ Marti Olsen Laney (Author of The Introvert Advantage)
So true...

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

He (Carl Jung) thought introversion and extroversion were like two chemicals: When they are combined, each can be transformed by the other.
~ Marti Olsen Laney (Author of The Introvert Advantage)
Dare to Dream

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Food for Thought

Where we fall on that (energy) continuum predicts how we derive our life energy. People on the more introverted end of the continuum focus inward to gain energy. People on the more extroverted end of the continuum focus outward to gain energy.
~ Marti Olsen Laney (Author of The Introvert Advantage)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

Democracy cannot survive without the guidance of a creative minority.
~ Harlan F. Stones (Quoted by Marti Olsen Laney, Author of The Introvert Advantage)

Dare to Dream



敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

The emotional waves that often ride the tide of the young person's cognitive and decision-making abilities are often present, and your surfing skills, even when the emotional tides are high, can serve you in continuing to help the young person swim to his or her destination.
~ Sylvie Naar-King & Mariann Suarez (Authors of Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents and Young Adults)

Dare to Dream

Saturday, May 23, 2015

觉得自己越来越幸运、幸福。。。最近遇到了几个贵人。。。感恩。。。很感激他们。。。感觉好像自己的生命有了新的变化。。。是好的变化。。。希望在不久的将来会有新的突破、新的起点、新的方向。。。我知道、也相信我的未来会很精彩。。。而且会跟一般人的不一样。。。because I know there is a greater purpose for my existence...

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Saturday, May 16, 2015

I really can't stand it when people think that they can deceive me easily!!! I may not look smart but please don't assume that I'm stupid!!! It's SO offensive!!!
Dare to Dream

Food for Thought - Motivational Interviewing (MI)

MI is a collaborative, person-centred form of guiding to elicit and strengthen motivation for change (Miller & Rollnick, 2009) is a gentle, respectful method for communicating with others about their difficulties with change and the possibilities to engage in different, healthier behaviors that are in accord with their own goals and values to maximize human potential.
~ Sylvie Naar-King & Mariann Suarez (Authors of Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents and Young Adults)

Dare to Dream

Friday, May 15, 2015

I really hope that NCSS will step in again and do a thorough 'clean-up' at the organisation that I work at.

Dare to Dream

Thursday, May 14, 2015


小人很可怕; 有暴力倾向的小人更可怕。偏偏很多慈善机构似乎就是很喜欢凭请这样的人。难道这些慈善机构的领导层不知道很多中途转换跑道的人都没有什么好心肠吗? 难道他们不懂这些中途转换跑道的人很多时候都是因为被裁退等等原因才想进入慈善机构的吗? 后者很多时候都不是基于想帮助不幸的人才想加入慈善机构的。 难道领导层真的不懂吗? 难道慈善机构因为欠缺人才或有空缺就该随便凭请人吗? 至少该有基本原则吧? 不应该因为欠缺人才或有空缺而随便凭请人吧?  真可悲。。。

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Sunday, May 10, 2015

So true...except for the 2nd statement. (Taken from

Dare to Dream
Moving my life forward in the right direction makes me feel so alive and it somehow acts as an energy booster.:)

Dare to Dream

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Food for Thought

No matter how remote a possibility is, it is still a possibility.

Dare to Dream

Monday, May 4, 2015

Food for Thought

如果你真正喜欢一个人,你会很原意为对方付出。And if you are in a position to help but yet not willing to do so, then you really need to ask yourself: 我是真心喜欢对方吗? 或只是想占有对方罢了? 

Dare to Dream 敢于梦想

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Food for Thought

Make the most of introverts' strengths - these are the people who can help you think deeply, strategize, solve complex problems, and spot canaries in your coal mine.
~ Susan Cain (Author of Quiet)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

Our culture made a virtue of living only as extroverts. We discouraged the inner journey, the quest for a center. So we lost our center and have to find it again.
~ Anais Nin (Quoted by Susan Cain, Author of Quiet)

Dare to Dream

Friday, May 1, 2015

I was enjoying two of my favourite hobbies simultaneously - reading and listening to a song - just a while ago. 如果每天都能做自己喜欢做的事,那该多好。。。

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

Unleashing a passion can transform a life...
~ Susan Cain (Author of Quiet)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

Well-developed talents and interests can be a great source of confidence for your child, no matter how different he might feel from his peers.
~ Susan Cain (Author of Quiet)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

Research from a field known as "person-environment fit" shows that people flourish when, in the words of psychologist Brian Little, they're "engaged in occupations, roles or settings that are concordant with their personalities."
~ Susan Cain (Author of Quiet)

Dare to Dream