Friday, July 31, 2015

Food for Thought

You cannot write your story or tame your Tiger from the grandstand.
~ Jim Lawless (Author of Taming Tigers: Do Things You Never Thought You Could)

Dare to Dream

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Food for Thought

He who has a "why" to live for can bear with almost any "how".
~ Nietzsche (Quoted by Jim Lawless, Author of Taming Tigers: Do Things You Never Thought You Could)

Dare to Dream

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Food for Thought

When you are in sync with life, enormous possibilities emerge for you.
~ Stephen J. Hopson (Author of Obstacle Illusions: Transforming Adversity into Success)

Dare to Dream

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Food for Thought

If you believe that you have something special inside of you, and if you feel it's about time you gave it a shot, honor that calling in some small way -- today. If you feel a knot in your stomach because you can see the enormous distance between your dreams and your daily reality, do one thing to tighten your grip on what you want -- today. If you've been peering down the road to must but can't quite make the choice, dig a little deeper and find out what's stopping you -- today. Because there is a recurring choice in life, and it occurs at the intersection of two roads. We arrive at this place again and again.
~ Elle Luna (Author of The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

...who continued to play his music even while suffering from Alzheimer's for thirteen years...The plaque has apparently invaded a large amount of his brain...Almost every memory is gone. Except for the music...The evening he performed, he had no idea how to tie a tie...he got lost on the way to the stage -- but the performance? Perfect.
~ Mary Ellen Geist (Quoted by Elle Luna, Author of The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

To act is to modify the shape of the world (for good or bad).
~ Jean-Paul Sartre (Quoted by Elle Luna, Author of The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion)

Note: The words in bracket are mine.

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
~ Howard Thurman (Quoted by Elle Luna, Author of The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

When you play with new tools and methods, you will literally activate parts of your mind that have become hard to reach over time.
~ Elle Luna (Author of The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

When you're stuck, when you need a jolt, when you crave to see things from a new perspective, it's time to play.
~ Elle Luna (Author of The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion)

Dare to Dream



敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Lessons Learnt

1. You could be the best employee in your department/company. But as long as your supervisor does not like you or feels that you are a threat to him/her (because of his/her own insecurities), you can expect that he/she would rather keep those who are incompetent or lousy than to keep you.

2. There is no guarantee that you will get to keep your job or get a promotion at work just because your boss likes you (in the romantic sense).

3. If your boss likes you (in the romantic sense) but if you do not reciprocate, you can expect that he/she may turn nasty or he/she may not want to keep you, even if you are the best employee.

4. It may not be a good thing to be liked by your supervisor/boss, if he/she is of the opposite gender or if he/she is a homosexual.

5. Being pretty/handsome or charming may not be a good thing, unless you are prepared to use your good looks or charm to your advantage and face the possibility of betraying your conscience in the process.

Dare to Dream

Friday, July 24, 2015

Food for Thought

Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.
~ Rumi Poet (Quoted by Elle Luna, Author of The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion)

Dare to Dream

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Food for Thought

All too often, we feel that we are not living the fullness of our lives because we are not expressing the fullness of our gifts.
~ Elle Luna (Author of The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

It seems that to receive the physiological benefits of laughter, you need to keep that funny bone well oiled.
~ Marti Olsen Laney (Author of The Introvert Advantage)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
~ Arnold Glasow (Quoted by Mart Olsen Laney, Author of The Introvert Advantage)

Dare to Dream

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Food for Thought

Confidence needs to come from what is inside us, not what we do outside.
~ Marti Olsen Laney (Author of The Introvert Advantage)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

...when you base your confidence on who you are, instead of what you accomplish, you have created something that no one or no circumstance can ever take away from you.
~ Barbara de Angelis (Ph.D.), Author of Confidence: Finding It and Living It (Quoted by Marti Olsen Laney, Author of The Introvert Advantage)

Dare to Dream

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Food for Thought

Dive headfirst into fear and you'll come out the other side.
~ Megan Washington (Australian musician/songwriter)

The quote is taken from

Dare to Dream

Friday, July 17, 2015

A Redesigned Life: A Life of Possibilities

I have wanted to write a book since many years ago but I have not gotten down to writing it yet. (I admit I am a procrastinator:( ) I plan to use the title of this blog post as the title for my book, should I finally get to write it. To me, a redesigned life has to start from 'redesigning' one's thoughts and it has to cover all aspects of one's life.

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

...growth means feeling a little bit new to yourself. An insulated life may protect you from unpleasant feelings, but it also limits you from having experiences and meeting people, both of which might help you and bring you delights you never imagined or thought possible.
~ Marti Olsen Laney (Author of The Introvert Advantage)

Dare to Dream
我只不过是你生命中的一个小插曲, 一个过客罢了。。。而她才是那个会陪着你一辈子的女人。。。难道你没有发觉自己离不开她吗??? 她无形中已经成为了你生命不可或缺的一部份了。。。她不只是你事业上的好伙伴,也是那个跟你心灵相通的女人。。。你和她见面的次数相当频繁,而且很明显的你心里依然留着她的位子。。。你明明还是很喜欢她。。。我曾问自己能够接受这样的你吗 ? 我理性的答案是我不能够。。。因为这样的你太让我没有安全感了。。。难道你不知道女人注重的是安全感吗??? 我不否认自己曾经很在意你跟她见面的次数太过频繁, 也曾经很在意你常常似乎有意无意的'隐瞒'你跟她见面的'讯息',还有你们之间的互动。。。但是刚才在脸书上又看到你跟她见面的照片时,我心里却是少了那份妒忌,也少了那份伤感。。。或许是因为我对你已经释怀了吧。。。又或许是因为你明明知道我想要的工作跟你目前的行业有关,而你却完全不原意帮我牵线。。。我在想。。。我是否能够接受这样的你 ~ 一个袖手旁观的你??? 我理性的答案是我不能够。。。你应该把聘请私家侦探来跟踪我的钱存起来,用在你跟她的未来。。。毕竟你根本就不可能放下她。。。你也不可能会为了我而跟她断绝所有往来。。。

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream
最近在某个部落格看到自己被该部落格的owner (???) 毁谤的事件。。。很明显的是他根本就是做贼心虚, 心里有鬼。。。不然为什么不敢让读者留言呢???!!! 我本来是要留我的comments的, 但却发觉完全不能留,because the blog owner (???) has apparently made it such that no comments are allowed...这个人实在太可怕了!!! 我始终认为清者自清。。。人在做,天在看。。。我相信该blog的owner会有报应的。。。不是不报,只是时辰未到。。。

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Food for Thought

Happiness is not a station to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
~ Margaret Lee Runbeck (Quoted by Marti Olsen Laney, author of The Introvert Advantage)

Dare to Dream

Food for Thought

Our temperament tends to be peace-loving and honest, so the tenets of many religions reflect our values.
~ Marti Olsen Laney (Author of The Introvert Advantage)

So true...

Dare to Dream

Saturday, July 11, 2015


敢于梦想 relDare to Dream

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

If you interview for a particular job, and if the big boss likes you but the one you are supposed to report to doesn't like you or has insecurity issues, you may not get the job.

Dare to Dream

Monday, July 6, 2015

Food for Thought

From an article on yahoo website, it says that there are four types of introversion (Check it out at I know I am more of a mix of two types...

Dare to Dream

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Food for Thought

With the right mindset, our students will likely find success in life, but without the right values...the success may come at the expense of society at large.
~ Assoc Prof Ben Leong Wing Lup, (NUS) Department of Computer Science (Quoted by The Alumnus, Jul - Sep 2015/Issue 102)

Dare to Dream

Saturday, July 4, 2015

I love to read a local doctor's blog. His blog posts generally are funny and he often uses Singlish. Check out his blog at
Dare to Dream

Thursday, July 2, 2015

I think I will start using my blog as a gratitude journal, besides using it to talk about my songs, etc.
Dare to Dream

今天是我的生日,收到了家人和朋友的祝福 :) 妹妹买了生日蛋糕给我。。。一班朋友通过whatsapp捉弄我、跟我开玩笑。。。这样的生日也算挺不错的。。。虽然没有男朋友:(, 也没有了工作,但至少还有家人和朋友。。。本来有朋友要帮我庆生,但因为生病了:( ,所以得婉拒她。。。没有了之前工作地方所带给我的压力,照理说我应该会比较健康。。。但不知道为什么就是突然间感冒了:(

敢于梦想 Dare to Dream