Monday, April 29, 2013


A new colleague is really getting on my nerves. Her sheer arrogance and apparent superiority complex really put me off! She is so new to this field but yet is so unwilling to learn. (Why ask for my views if she is so unreceptive? She ought to learn the hard way!) I am not obligated to teach her what I know and so she ought to be thankful that I am willing to share with her what I know. I could have sabotaged her by deliberately giving her wrong information, etc, etc. But I didn't and I won't (because my conscience is still intact) and so she ought to be thankful that she has met me and not someone who is evil and who intends to do her in! She's just TOTALLY unfit to be working in this field. (She should go back to her old field and be a blessing, rather than staying put where she is a misfit and be a curse.) Damn it!

Dare to Dream